YA Cast
Messages from Antioch's Young Adults Group in Essex Ontario
4 years ago

How to Have Faith

How to Have Faith - YA Night - Joshua Chaulk - Jan 25 2020

When I was in my late teens I didn't understood how to connect to God. I remember so many times, when I'd try to pray, I always tried to find the right frequency to speak to him so he'd hear me. I used so much mental power, and I'd scream internally whenever I'd go to the altar to try and speak in my mind in a way that He would know I meant what I was saying. I'd tell God to "have His way" and I'd tell Him that "I wanted to live my life for Him", or I'd pray for things to happen in my life, but I was worried that I wasn't tuned in to the right level of Faith for Him to hear me.

I would try to "muster up" faith in Him like Goku trying to go Super Sian.

The Truth is, God always listens and we don't have to do anything special to speak to Him. He's just always there. Faith is not a force we have to work up in ourselves. Faith is believing. Don’t be like Goku trying to conjure up the faith to move the mountain. If you had to work hard to have faith then you’d be doing it out of your strength. But it’s God who is moving the mountain, not you. You just need to believe that He hears you and that He will move.

Matthew 17:19-21 "Afterward the disciples asked Jesus privately, “Why couldn’t we cast out that demon?” “You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."

The bible says all you need is Faith the Size of a mustard seed to do great things. You know why? Because when it comes to Faith in God, He's the one who is actually doing everything. He just needs you to come onto the side of Faith in him even as far as a mustard seed and He can move mountains through you.

Having Great Faith in something is amazing, and we should all try to grow to that level. Having more confidence that God will do things will bring us more piece. But God can still work with your mustard size faith.

Faith is letting go of your reality and Letting God's reality intervene.

Clip of Yoda telling Luke that his negativity is part of the problem

Negativity is the enemy of Faith. If you're trying to have Faith for God to do something but you're also telling yourself it won't happen, then it likely won't happen. You can't say you have faith in something in one breath and then complain about it not happening in the next.

*“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” ― Henry Ford *

Testimony: I had been having daily pain in my jaw for about 7 weeks, sometimes it would be so bad I couldn't think strait and other days I couldn't even chew my food properly because I couldn't close my mouth all the way. Well a week two weeks ago on Sunday I had a few people from the alter ministry team pray for me after church that I'd be healed. The pain was still there the next day, and every day after but I was believing that I was healed even though I felt pain. It's hard to have faith for something that is not there. But that's why it's called Faith. It's the hope for things that are not there yet.

Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

This week on Monday I woke up with no pain in my jaw and I can wiggle it around and fully close it pain free! I'm healed!

I had to have Faith every day that I would be healed until, it happened. I contended for my healing and I chose to have Faith in God's word. And some days my faith was being tested hard. I would not say I had great Faith in those moments, but I did chose to have some. I knew God could heal me, but I wasn't fully sure He would. But even with that thought I continued to tell myself I was healed and that the pain I felt was just the enemy trying to convince me to live lower than I have access to.

If I would have complained the whole time that I was in pain and that God hasn't healed me yet, I would have been gratifying the Devil for his "accomplishment".

What's main my point here tonight? Faith is not something you have to muster up for God to move. Just chose to believe He'll move until He comes, and don't give the enemy the gratification by being negative.

Staying positive with your words is part of having faith.

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